Friday, March 11, 2011

Why climate changes?

..environmental issues are not a luxury,but they are issues of life and death for much of the world's population...( Wangari Mathai,2004). Reading this statement from Kenya's business daily, I was motivated to call upon environmental journalists and communicators for sustainable environment to join me in the war for better future of the world's population. Environmental issues, i look at them from the perspective of the people for whom the ecosphere matters in a direct way. Rural duellers who have little means to protect themselves against adverse conditions, poor women and children always the most vulnerable in harsh times. I call upon all people involved to contribute in the fight for wonderful nature. Journalists need to expand the coverage of environmental issues that will determine our future and that of our children. In your daily activities, why don't you include one third hour to discuss climate change, the future of lakes and what should we do to make the world a better place? The current economic and climate change crises are both rooted in the unsustainable nature of the existing economic systems. The rapid growth of industries began in USA and quickly spread throughout the world. This demonstrated dramatically that the phenomenon of globalization and interdependance has a dramatic dawnside of shared risks and vulnerability. Yes, we all agree with industrial growth and good production, however it is scandalous that in a world of potato food supplies, over one billion people face constant hunger due to climate change. Why farmers keep commiting suicide crimes in India? Because climate prevent them from feeding their families. My friends and friends of environment, we need climate bailout. Mobilize and sensitize the whole world to rescue our lovely nature. Start now, don't miss in this fight, let us improve environment we all live on it. Thanks

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